You only get to birth this baby once...

Let's make it an incredible experience!

"We can't stop raving about how amazing your course was! No one can believe how smooth our birth was!"

Lauren & Kieran, first baby

"It's just one day"

That's what they say, right?

Except it's not, is it. It's the birth of your baby, a moment that you'll remember for the rest of your life. One that will come to mind every year on your child's birthday. Ask an 80 year old grandmother and she'll still be able to tell you all about her birth experience and how she felt throughout. Birth is unpredictable, sure. But that doesn't mean you can't feel calm, confident, informed and supported throughout. Take the reigns of your birthing experience and get started today!

"Honestly your knowledge and insight has truly made this birth a really positive experience - thank you!!!!!"

Georgie & Jonathan

Course content

    1. Introduction & about your course

    2. What is hypnobirthing?

    1. Exercise - What comes to mind when you think of giving birth?

    1. How the brain works

    2. Exercise - Your dream birth

    3. Your magical birthing hormones

    4. What are contractions?

    1. Up-Breathing

    2. Stroking

    3. Massage

    4. Guided relaxations

    5. Exercise - Birth Boards

    6. Quick relaxation tips

    7. Pain - is it really the enemy?

    8. Exercise - Helpful or unhelpful?

    9. Helpful or unhelpful - Answers!

    1. Your pelvic floor

    2. Your baby's positioning

    3. Babies in the breech position

    4. Tearing

    1. A summary of who's who

    2. Interventions

    3. Care provider language - red flags

    4. Myth or Reality.pdf

    5. Game - myth or reality?

    6. Myth or reality? - Answers

    7. How will 'policy' affect your care

About this course

  • £69.00
  • 6.5 hours of video content
  • 8 relaxation & hypnosis tracks
  • 100 page course companion
  • Live weekly online clinic

"I can't quite believe the birth I had. Because he came a few weeks later than expected I had more time to really get in the mindset and mentally prepare and I truly believe that's the reason we had the birth we did."

Kate & Stuart, second baby

Exclusively 5-star rated birth prep

  • Positive, empowering & confidence-boosting

  • Evidence-based, reliable information - applicable to all types of birth

  • Practical & realistic - for both you and your birth partner!

Hi, I'm Rachel!

...And I want you to have your best possible birth experience!

I'm a doula and I'm trained in hypnobirthing, antenatal education, biomechanics, mindful breastfeeding and infant feeding. I'm also a qualified lawyer and I train midwives & obstetricians on the application of human rights in maternity care. Finally, most importantly, I'm a mum of 2 beautiful boys! There are 3 things that are going to impact your entrance to parenthood: Knowledge, mindset & support. I want you to be armed with the information, tools, tips, support and confidence to have an empowering, positive birth experience - however you give birth!
Mum smiling and having coffee with her baby sat on her lap

"It really has been the best thing we have done in preparation for our baby...I will be recommending to anyone I know that this course is a must!!"

Lauren & Liam, first baby